Author name: Silver Compass Maps

Abandoned Barn

Abandoned Barn The first layer of the Abandoned Barn—an old decrepit building left in shackles by its owner. Only the crows and rats are left… This battlemap depicts an abandoned barn with with two floors. The ground floor is a stable and pen, the upper floor is the hayloft. The map pack includes: You can …

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A ruined library with tattered books

Ruined Library

Ruined Library The abandoned library, a place that once held the most popular of tomes, is now a ruin of rubble, cobwebs, and moths. Even knowledge, with its seemingly unending power, is rendered helpless before time. This is a remake of one of my early battlemaps. I decided to revisit it and add some lighting/shadows …

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A fantasy world map with two continents and a variety of biomes.

Novus Terram

Novus Terram If you want to use this map, you can download it for free below. This is one of the first world maps I made, and I made it specifically for my homebrew campaign. I thought it would be fitting to be my first world map post on this website. If you would like …

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A ship wrecked amongst rocks, adjacent to a cliff.


Shipwreck A long-wrecked ship that tells a terrible tragedy. The old sails that once spread wide are now tattered, the mighty hull that parted seas is cracked, and the great captain of this ship is now a mere skeleton. O, how bitter is the sting of death! This is my first battlemap pack ever made, a …

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