Ruined Library

A ruined library with tattered books

The abandoned library, a place that once held the most popular of tomes, is now a ruin of rubble, cobwebs, and moths. Even knowledge, with its seemingly unending power, is rendered helpless before time.

This is a remake of one of my early battlemaps. I decided to revisit it and add some lighting/shadows to beautify it. This map pack includes

  • Gridded and ungridded maps
  • 40×30 grid

You can download the public watermarked map for free below.

Consider supporting me on Patreon to get access to the high quality and watermarkfree versions of this map plus hundreds of other battlemaps!

By becoming a patron you will be able to download VTT files to be used with Roll20, Foundry VTT and Fantasy Grounds.

You can also purchase this map individually on Roll20.

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